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  • Selective training 3 years - 180 ECTS
  • National registration fees : 170€*
  • Location : Salon deProvence
  • International mobility
  • Customized course
  • Professionalization: internships and projects
  • Work-study program possible in the 3rd year - Corporate partnerships
  • Graduates' network
  • Number of students: 78, 3 groups of TD, 6 groups of TP

*2021 fee for initial training. Exemption for scholarship holders and work-study students

The goal of the Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computing (GEII) program is to train, in 3 years, middle managers capable of meeting the challenges of new technologies in areas such as renewable energy, the city and industry of the future, home automation, smart and connected networks, embedded systems in aeronautics (aircraft of the future), the automobile (autonomous vehicles), robotics (mechatronics).

The GEII goal is focused on innovation and technological development. Its ambition is to train the actors of tomorrow's world by transmitting knowledge and developing skills in all GEII fields. With a versatile diploma with a strong common core, students can choose a progressive specialization from the second year onwards in order to have a coloring in the future path of their choice in adequacy with their professional insertion or further studies.

The GEII department in Salon de Provence offers the following two courses

  • Industrial Automation and Computer Science (AII): Applications: robotics, aeronautics, autonomous vehicles, city of the future, home automation, industrial networks.
  • Electricity and Energy Management (EME): Applications: electric vehicles, renewable energy (photovoltaic, wind), electrical production and distribution, energy conversion and management, power electronics, home automation.
  • How are the studies organized?

    The BUT GEII of Salon de Provence is organized on the three years in approach by competences. The 3rd year will be accessible in alternating training. Each skill is made up of its "resources" pole for the acquisition of fundamental knowledge and methods and its "learning and evaluation situation" pole which includes professional situations (technical projects, tutored projects, internships...). The acquisition of skills over the three years will be recorded in a Portfolio.

  • Internships, work-study and supervised projects

    The training thus represents 2000 supervised hours, to which are added 600 hours of tutored projects and 22 to 26 weeks of internship.

  • Alternance

    En BUT GEII, l'alternance est possible mais facultative en 3ème année.

    Consultez le calendrier d'alternance (bientôt en ligne dans la rubrique info pratique ci-dessous)

    L'alternance en BUT GEII
      BUT 1, 2 et 3 BUT 2 et 3 BUT 3
    Parcours AII non non   possible : contrat 1 an        
    Parcours EME non non possible : contrat 1 an
  • International mobility

    Possibility of doing 1 or 2 semesters abroad or an internship abroad.

  • Certifications

    Certifications offered during the course:

    • B1V (electrical work), B2V (in charge of electrical work)
    • CLAD (Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer) Labview National Instruments
    • CCNA v7 Enterprise Networking, Security, and Automation (Cisco Certified Network Associate)
    • TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication)

Industrial Automation and Computing (AII) course

  • Objectifs du parcours

    The aim of the Electrical and Industrial Computer Science (GEII) degree is to train, in 3 years, intermediate managers capable of responding to the challenges of new technologies in areas such as renewable energy, the city and the industry of the future, home automation, intelligent and connected networks, embedded systems in the automotive industry, and the development of new technologies;industry of the future, home automation, smart and connected networks, embedded systems in aeronautics (aircraft of the future), automotive (autonomous vehicles), robotics (electronics)...

    The GEII GOAL is focused on innovation and technological development. Its ambition is to train the actors of tomorrow's world by transmitting knowledge and developing skills in all GEII fields. With a polyvalent diploma with a strong common core, students will be able to choose a progressive specialisation from the second year onwards in order to have a colouring in the future path of their choice in line with their professional insertion or further studies.

    The GEII department in Salon de Provence offers the following two courses:

    • Automation and Industrial Computing (AII): Applications : robotics, aeronautics, autonomous vehicles, city of the future, home automation, industrial networks.
    • &Electricity and Energy Management (EME): Applications : Electrical vehicles, renewable energy (photovoltaic, wind), electrical production and distribution, energy conversion and management, power electronics, home automation.
  • Skills

    The following skills, common to all the courses of the GOAL GEII, will be acquired:

    • Design the GEII part of an industrial system to meet a customer need
    • Verify the GEII part of an industrial system
    • Ensure the maintenance in operational condition of an industrial system
    • The AII course allows students to acquire these specific skills:
    • Integrate a command and control system into an industrial process
  • Materials

    Ressources communes : Anglais, Culture et Communication, Vie de l’Entreprise, Outils Mathématiques et Logiciels, Projet Personnel et Professionnel, Maintenance, Base de données, Physique appliquée, Supervision, Automatique, Informatique industrielle, électronique, énergie, Réseaux et cybersécurité, base de données.

    Ressources spécifiques : Automatismes avancés, Robotique, Langage de programmation de systèmes embarqués, Informatique spécialisée, réseaux et supervision avancés (IHM), industrie du futur et Aéronautique, sécurité machine.

    Situations d’Apprentissage et d’évaluation (SAé) :

    • Intégration et programmation d’un système automatisé (instrumentation, programmation orienté objet) ;
    • Vérification et maintenance d'un système automatisé ;
    • Intégration d’outils communicants et numériques (Réseaux, supervision, IoT, Cloud computing, Big Data…).
  • Educational equipment

    Rooms specific to the Industrial Automation and Computing (IAC) course:

    • 4 rooms equipped with industrial automation systems with conveyors, sensors, actuators, distribution chain, sorting chain, digital factory...
    • 1 room dedicated to the intelligent management by automaton and MODBUS network of a house (models, heating, lighting, intrusion alarm, gas alarm...)
    • 1 room of regulation, servo control
    • An intelligent outdoor chalet (alarms, lighting, automated shutters)
    • 1 instrumentation room for aeronautics (flight simulator, drones)
  • Trades

    Given the technological advances and the generalization of the fields of electronics, electrical engineering, automation and computer science, graduates of the BUT GEII can work in a wide variety of sectors: aeronautics, automobile, renewable energy and environment, home automation, microelectronics, computer networks, programmable automation, transportation, health, distribution and management of electrical energy, security.

  • Further studies

    The main goal of the BUT GEII is immediate professional integration at the end of the 3 years of study. However, graduates of the BUT GEII can continue their studies in engineering school or Master.

Electricity and Energy Management

  • Objectifs du parcours

    The aim of the Electrical and Industrial Computer Science (GEII) program is to train, in 3 years, intermediate managers capable of responding to the challenges of new technologies in areas such as renewable energy, the city and the industry of the future, home automation, intelligent and connected networks, embedded systems in the automotive industry, etc;industry of the future, home automation, smart and connected networks, embedded systems in aeronautics (aircraft of the future), automotive (autonomous vehicles), robotics (electronics)...

    The GEII GOAL is focused on innovation and technological development. Its ambition is to train the actors of tomorrow's world by transmitting knowledge and developing skills in all GEII fields. With a polyvalent diploma with a strong common core, students will be able to choose a progressive specialisation from the second year onwards in order to have a colouring in the future path of their choice in line with their professional insertion or further studies.

    The GEII department in Salon de Provence offers the following two courses:

    • Automation and Industrial Computing (AII): Applications : robotics, aeronautics, autonomous vehicles, city of the future, home automation, industrial networks.
    • &Electricity and Energy Management (EME): Applications : Electrical vehicles, renewable energy (photovoltaic, wind), electrical production and distribution, energy conversion and management, power electronics, home automation.
  • Skills

    The following skills, common to all the courses of the GOAL GEII, will be acquired:

    • Design the GEII part of an industrial system to meet a customer need
    • Verify the GEII part of an industrial system
    • Ensure the maintenance in operational condition of an industrial system
    • The EME course allows students to acquire these specific skills:
    • Install all or part of a production, conversion and energy management system on site
  • Materials

    Ressources communes : Anglais, Culture et Communication, Vie de l’Entreprise, Outils Mathématiques et Logiciels, Projet Personnel et Professionnel, Maintenance, Base de données, Physique appliquée, Supervision, Automatique, Informatique industrielle, électronique, énergie, Réseaux et cybersécurité, base de données.

    Ressources spécifiques : Energie spécialisée, Energies renouvelables, Compatibilité Electromagnétique, Composants actifs et Récupération d'énergie, Automatisme spécialisée : objets communicants, Mécatronique, Production, Transport et Distribution Haute Tension.

    Situations d’Apprentissage et d’évaluation (SAé) :

    • Dimensionnement, vérification, maintenance et mise en service de la partie puissance et commande d’un système de conversion de l'énergie ;
    • Dimensionnement, vérification, maintenance et installation Panneaux Photovoltaïques ;
    • Concevoir, installer, vérifier et maintenir un système de conversion et de gestion de l’énergie électrique.
  • Educational equipment

    Rooms specific to the Electricity and Energy Management (EME) course:

    • An outdoor energy self-sufficient chalet (solar panels, wind turbine)
    • 2 rooms dedicated to learning about direct current, synchronous and asynchronous motors (electric vehicle test bench, electric kart, electric bicycle)
    • 1 room dedicated to electrical certification
  • Trades

    Given the technological advances and the generalization of the fields of electronics, electrical engineering, automation and computer science, graduates of the BUT GEII can work in a wide variety of sectors: aeronautics, automobile, renewable energy and environment, home automation, microelectronics, computer networks, programmable automation, transportation, health, distribution and management of electrical energy, security.

  • Further studies

    The main goal of the BUT GEII is immediate professional integration at the end of the 3 years of study. However, graduates of the BUT GEII can continue their studies in engineering school or Master.

Profile of the candidates

  • Strong motivation in new technologies (electronic systems, computer science, automation, electrical energy, autonomous vehicles, home automation, networks...)
  • General baccalaureate with a scientific background (at least 1 speciality among Mathematics, Numerical and Computer Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Physics Chemistry) or STI2D baccalaureate
  • Students in reorientation (preparatory classes, L1, ...)
  • Employees returning to school (continuing education)
  • Job seekers


Address : 150 avenue du Maréchal Leclerc 13300 Salon-de-Provence


Contact à ajouter
Contact à ajouter
Head of Department
Contact à ajouter
Pedagogical Secretariat


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