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Study programs


Champ 1

University Bachelor of Technology (BUT)

Access with a bac or bac +1 or bac +2

Duration 3 years after the Bac

Full time or apprenticeship training

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Champ 1

Professional degree (LP) and DESU

Access with a Bac +2

Duration 1 year (LP) and 18 months (DESU)

Full time or apprenticeship training

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Champ 1

University Diploma (DU)

A diploma for professionals who want to specialize

Lifelong training

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Champ 1

Certificate of Professional Qualification (CQP)

Customized training for employees who want to evolve and adapt to their work environment

Full time or apprenticeship training

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Champ 1

Certificate of Professional Qualification (CQP)

Customized training for employees who want to evolve and adapt to their work environment

Full time or apprenticeship training

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Champ 1





Champ 1


IT Systems



Champ 1

Book trade


Champ 1





Champ 1



Process Engineering




  • Full time courses

    The initial training consists in following the training full-time in the traditional way. The timetable of the initial training offers courses at the IUT from Monday to Friday. The dates of the university vacations are defined by the teaching department.

    When you continue your higher education studies directly after your baccalaureate or after an interruption of less than two years, you are in fact in initial training.

    The training is free, only the university registration fees are charged to the student.

  • Apprenticeship training

    The work-study program allows for financial independence and provides the status of a full-fledged employee. The diploma obtained is the same as that of students in initial training, but each training program offers its own alternating schedule, which can be monthly or weekly. The contract starts on September 1st and ends on August 31st for a duration of 1 to 3 years.

    There are 2 types of work-study contracts: the apprenticeship contract and the professionalization contract.

    Admission is final only when the following two conditions are met

    • a favorable opinion from the IUT jury, after examining the application file and interview
    • recruitment by a company (signing of an apprenticeship or professionalization contract)

    The course director may be able to help candidates accepted by the jury by sending their CVs to companies looking for apprentices.

    The training is not free and the company is responsible for the costs.

  • Lifelong training

    If you are a job seeker, employee, RSA beneficiary, self-employed, returning to school or a student completing a work-study program, you are certainly eligible for continuing education.

    All the courses offered by the IUT of Aix-Marseille are accessible in Continuing Education, the diploma prepared is the same as the one prepared by students in initial training.

    There is a fee for the training, but the cost can be covered by a financing organization. To finance your training project, contact the continuing education department of the degree you are interested in.


Each teaching department constitutes an autonomous educational entity organized around the BUT diploma, which offers complementary diplomas and training actions such as professional licenses, university diplomas, continuing education or professional certifications.

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Each teaching department constitutes an autonomous educational entity organized around the BUT diploma, which offers complementary diplomas and training actions such as professional licenses, university diplomas, continuing education or professional certifications.

Each teaching department constitutes an autonomous educational entity organized around the BUT diploma, which offers complementary diplomas and training actions such as professional licenses, university diplomas, continuing education or professional certifications.

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