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  • Selective training 3 years - 180 ECTS
  • National registration fees: 170€*
  • Location: Marseille Saint-Jérôme
  • International mobility
  • Customized course
  • Professionalization: internships and projects
  • Work-study program possible from the 2nd year onwards - Corporate partnerships
  • Graduates' network
  • Enrolment: 120 students divided into 4 groups

*2021 fee for initial training. Exemption for scholarship holders and work-study students

Do you want to become the operational manager of tomorrow?

The University Bachelor of Technology (BUT) in Business and Administration Management (GEA) aims to train managers in the daily organization of a company or an administration by mobilizing operational skills from the management sciences: strategy, organization and human resources, marketing, finance and accounting.

The BUT GEA program is a generalist and versatile program focused on mastering management techniques while being able to understand the economic and legal environment of organizations. The continuous training of management tools and "soft skills" (human and behavioral competencies) in the fields of accounting, finance, logistics, information technology, human resources, strategic decision-making, marketing and communication provides future BUT GEA graduates with a complete background for managing a company or an administration.

The GEA department in Marseille offers 3 courses, to be chosen in the 2nd year:

  • Accounting, Tax and Financial Management (GC2F)
  • Management and Steering of Human Resources (GPRH),
  • Management, Entrepreneurship and Activity Management (GEMA).
  • How are the studies organized?

    The curriculum alternates lectures, tutorials, practical work, group professional projects, personal development and corporate experience (internships in France and abroad and work-study contracts). Over 3 years, the training represents 1800 supervised hours, to which are added 600 hours of tutored projects and 22 to 26 weeks of internship. The content of the training is part of a dynamic of acquisition (1st year), control (2nd year) and exploitation (3rd year) of operational management skills.

  • Internships, work-study and supervised projects

    The training is carried out either in initial training or in alternating training.

    Training periods of 22 to 26 weeks.

  • Alternance

    En BUT GEA, l'alternance est possible mais facultative en 3ème année.

    Consultez le calendrier d'alternance (bientôt en ligne dans la rubrique info pratique ci-dessous)

    L'alternance en BUT GEA
      BUT 1, 2 et 3 BUT 2 et 3 BUT 3
    Parcours GC2F non possible : contrat 2 ans possible : contrat 1 an        
    Parcours GEMA non possible : contrat 2 ans possible : contrat 1 an
    Parcours GPRH non obligatoire : contrat 2 ans obligatoire : contrat 2 ans
  • International mobility

    1 or 2 semesters abroad, or internship.

  • Certifications

    Certifications offered: PIX, TOEIC, Voltaire.

Accounting, tax and financial management course (GC2F)

  • Objectives of the pathway

    The student will train to assist the manager of a company in its accounting and tax management or to work in financial or management control departments in SMEs, large public or private companies, public administrations, or in accounting firms.

  • Skills

    Each pathway is composed of a common base of three skills developed over the three years:

    • Analyze the processes of the organization in its environment,
    • Exploiting management and decision support data,
    • Managing relations with the organization's internal and external stakeholders.

    Each pathway allows the acquisition of two additional skills (regardless of the sector of activity):

    GC2F :

    • Analyze accounting, tax and social information in private and public accounting
    • Implementing analysis and forecasting tools for the company's activity.

    Depending on the path chosen, the program will offer part of the thirteen UE of the DCG (training of excellence in Accounting and Finance), preparation for the Grandes Ecoles de Commerce competitive exams, or an international path possible within the framework of the International Technological Bachelors (Europe, North America).

    All courses are open to work-study programs.

    The professional expertise existing today and developed in the following courses will be used to build the above BUT specialties: Financial and Accounting Management (MAFICO), Client Portfolio Manager in an accounting firm (RPC), Management Applied to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MAAP) and Payroll and Social Management (GMS), Digital Project Manager (CPD).

  • Materials

  • Trades

    Graduates will have a Bac+ 3 with 180 ECTS allowing them to acquire theoretical and practical skills in management, marketing, economics, tax law, accounting, computer science, general culture, expression-communication, English, statistics... The BUT GEA offers the possibility of entering the job market directly, and preparing for public service exams.

    Our students are mainly oriented towards the following professions:

    Main jobs targeted by the GC2F course :

    • Assistant to the Administrative and Financial Manager
    • Associate in an accounting firm / Junior financial auditor
    • Assistant to the head of accounting / Head of accounting in an SME or association
    • Junior management controller / Assistant cash management in a company / Assistant to the head of forecasting in a large company
    • Accounting manager / Controller in the public sector
  • Further studies

    The BUT GEA also allows students to continue their studies in MASTER in Grandes Écoles, DSCG for those who have passed the national exam of the DCG in BUT 3.

Human Resources Management and Steering (HRMS) course

  • Objectives of the pathway

    Students are trained as HR assistants, or to assist the manager of a VSE or SME with social matters. In large organisations, they are more likely to carry out more specialised management activities in the fields of recruitment, training, job and career management, personnel administration, health and safety at work, HR communication and payroll.
    They may also work in the context of service provision activities, such as in accounting firms for employment-related matters, or in recruitment firms and training organisations. In public sector organisations, you may also work in the personnel and social relations department.

  • Skills

    Each pathway is composed of a common base of three skills developed over the three years:

    • Analyze the processes of the organization in its environment,
    • Exploiting management and decision support data,
    • Managing relations with the organization's internal and external stakeholders.

    Each course allows the acquisition of two additional skills (regardless of the sector of activity):

    GPRH :

    • Managing personnel administration
    • Managing the development of human resources

    Depending on the path chosen, the training will offer part of the thirteen UE of the DCG (training of excellence in Accounting and Finance), a preparation for the Grandes Ecoles de Commerce competitive exams, or an international path possible within the framework of the International Technological Bachelors (Europe, North America).

    All courses are open to work-study programs.

    The professional expertise existing today and developed in the following courses will be used to build the above BUT specialties: Financial and Accounting Management (MAFICO), Client Portfolio Manager in an accounting firm (RPC), Management Applied to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MAAP) and Payroll and Social Management (GMS), Digital Project Manager (CPD).

  • Materials

  • Trades

    Graduates will have a Bac+ 3 with 180 ECTS allowing them to acquire theoretical and practical skills in management, marketing, economics, tax law, accounting, computer science, general culture, expression-communication, English, statistics... The BUT GEA offers the possibility of entering the job market directly, or preparing for public service exams.

    The main professions targeted by the GPRH course are

    • Human Resources Officer / HR Assistant / Career Manager
    • Payroll/training/recruitment/ HR development assistant/manager
    • Social collaborator in an accounting firm / Legal assistant in labor law
    • Internal communication assistant / HR information system manager
    • Diversity / Disability Officer / Seconded Personnel Manager
  • Further studies

    The BUT GEA also allows students to continue their studies in MASTER in Grandes Écoles, DSCG for those who have passed the national exam of the DCG in BUT 3.

Management, entrepreneurship and business management (GEMA) course

  • Objectives of the pathway

    The student is trained to create or take over an activity, or to assist the manager of a VSE or SME. In large organisations, they are more likely to carry out more specialised management activities in the fields of management, marketing and sales, purchasing and logistics

  • Skills

    Each pathway is composed of a common base of three skills developed over the three years:

    • Analyze the organization's processes in its environment,
    • Exploiting management and decision support data,
    • Managing relations with the organization's internal and external stakeholders.

    Each course allows the acquisition of two additional skills (regardless of the sector of activity):


    • Contribute to the creation and development of value through versatile managerial management
    • Develop an entrepreneurial spirit with a view to creating their own company.

    Depending on the path chosen, the program will offer part of the thirteen UE of the DCG (training of excellence in Accounting and Finance), a preparation for the Grandes Ecoles de Commerce competitive exams, or an international path possible within the framework of the International Technological Bachelors (Europe, North America).

    All courses are open to work-study programs.

    The existing professional expertise developed in the following courses will be used to build the above BUT specialties: Financial and Accounting Management (MAFICO), Client Portfolio Manager in an accounting firm (RPC), Management Applied to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MAAP), Payroll and Social Management (GMS), Digital Project Manager (CPD).

  • Materials

  • Trades

    Main jobs targeted by the GEMA course :

    • Executive assistant in a small business / Administrative manager
    • Manager of a small company / Company founder
    • Purchasing-sourcing manager / Quality manager / Assistant product manager
    • Community manager / Assistant in charge of internal or external communication
    • Marketing or e-marketing assistant (SEM/SEO) / Project manager (digital, etc.) / Business unit manager (e-commerce)
  • Further studies

    The BUT GEA also allows students to continue their studies in MASTER in Grandes Écoles, DSCG for those who have passed the national exam of the DCG in BUT 3.


Pour candidater en BUT 1ère année

Pour candidater en BUT 2ème ou 3ème année

  • Candidature GEA groupe intensif

Dès janvier 2024 et pendant 7 mois, vous rattraperez les cours du premier semestre en plus des cours du second semestre. Si vous validez vos 2 semestres, vous intégrerez donc la deuxième année du BUT GEA en septembre 2024.

Pour postuler au groupe intensif, connectez-vous à partir du 16 octobre sur le portail eCandidat :

Résultat avant le 21 janvier par e-mail, début des cours lundi 22 janvier 2024.

Profile of the candidates

The BUT GEA is accessible through initial training, apprenticeship and continuing education to :

  • holders of a General, Technological or Professional Baccalaureate (ES, S, or STMG and more rarely STAV, STI2D, STL, L) or an equivalent diploma
  • Candidates who do not hold a Baccalaureate, but who have a few years of professional experience, can request a Validation of Professional Experience (VAP).

Applications for VAE (Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience) are also possible upon request to the AMU Continuing Education Department.

Selection is made on the basis of the student's academic record from the first and last years of high school (grades and teachers' assessments).


Contact à ajouter
Head of Department
Contact à ajouter
Direction of studies 2nd year
Contact à ajouter
Direction of studies 2nd year
Contact à ajouter
Direction of studies 1st year and 2nd year in alternation
Contact à ajouter
Director of studies 2nd year in alternation
Contact à ajouter
Recruitment Manager
Contact à ajouter
Recruitment BUT GEA
Contact à ajouter
Directrice des études et Recrutement BUT 1A Groupe Intensif GEA Marseille

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