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Site of La Ciotat


Ciotat maintains close partnerships with the professional world of the prevention and environment sector, which is particularly promising for the integration of young graduates.

The training courses offered benefit from national recruitment, which extends the area of influence of the HSE department beyond the region.

In addition, the IUT allows its students to work in exceptional conditions thanks to its modern and spacious buildings, the quality of its teaching spaces, its specific state-of-the-art equipment and its proximity to the sea.

  • Accommodation, food and transportation


    There are no CROUS residences in la CIOTAT.

    The closest CROUS residences are located in Marseille Luminy or Aix-en-Provence.

    Offers from individuals

    The department receives offers of accommodation from private owners. A list of accommodation will be proposed to students admitted to the first year on Parcoursup and on request for other courses.

    Contact:Mélissa GRANGÉ Tel:

    Accommodation centers
    Housing assistance

    The CAF: financial aid for housing

    The CAF offers two types of aid to student tenants, calculated according to resources and the amount of rent:

    • personalized housing assistance (APL) if you live in a subsidized housing unit (HLM or subsidized university residence),
    • the social housing allowance (ALS) for other types of housing.

    Thanks toCité'U, you can now apply for assistance online and download a CAF certificate.

    Loca Pass: help with the security deposit for a rental

    The Loca-Pass advance is a loan granted by Action Logement (formerly 1% Logement) to the tenant to finance the security deposit required by the owner (lessor). This loan is to be reimbursed without loan interest or file fees. To benefit from this loan, you must be under 30 years old or an employee or early retiree in the private sector (excluding agriculture).

    Mobili Jeune: financial aid for the rent of students on work-study programs

    Mobili-jeune is a housing subsidy that covers part of your rent during your work-study program. It is paid by Action logement. This aid is intended for young people under 30 years of age. In order to benefit from it, you must meet certain conditions, particularly in terms of resources.

    Visale guarantee: obtaining a deposit

    The Visale guarantee is a guarantee granted by Action logement to a student or a young person on a work-study program who wants to rent an apartment. In the event of unpaid rent or charges, Action logement pays the lessor the amounts due. Action logement is then reimbursed by the tenant.


    The Jean Jaurès College, located opposite the HSE Department, opens its school canteen to students who wish to attend (maximum 25 places).

    Price of a meal: 3.30 euros, however the student must register by trimester.

    Registration is done at the department secretariat with the following documents

    • a check for 6€ made out to "agent comptable collège et lycée" for the magnetic card
    • a check for the desired period made out to "agent comptable collège et lycée
    • a certificate of civil liability insurance

    The department provides students with a room equipped with microwave ovens and refrigerators.


    Information on how to get there.
  • Health, Disability, Social Security


    The Inter-University Service for Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion (SIUMPPS) is a free service. A team composed of secretaries, nurses and doctors and, depending on the time slot, psychologists, psychiatrists, sophrologists and dentists is at your disposal.

    The SIUMPPS can also direct you to a doctor close to where you live via RESAMU, the network of general practitioners for students at Aix-Marseille University. This network guarantees access to local care, in sector 1 and the practice of third party payment, i.e. no advance payment of the compulsory part.

    For any consultation, you must have your Aix-Marseille University student card, your "carte vitale" and the liaison document provided by the SIUMPPS.

    Medical visits are organized in Arles, please contact the school.

    SIUMPPS Marseille Luminy

    E-mail : @email

    Tel : 04 91 26 89 08

    163 avenue de Luminy Case 901

    RDC University Restaurant

    13288 Marseille cedex 9

    Medical office near the IUT

    Pierre CALISTI medical office at 160 Meter from the HSE department

    118 rue Georges ROMAND

    13600 LA CIOTAT

    Tel : 04 42 08 83 30

    Youth Health Pass

    The PASS Santé Jeunes checkbook allows you to meet with a health professional free of charge to get initial information on sexuality and contraception, ask a professional all your questions, get a screening test for sexually transmitted infections, and obtain a suitable contraceptive method for at least one year. The PASS is confidential, free and can be used without your health insurance card.

    Tel : 04 88 73 80 00

    E-mail : @email

    Complementary health insurance Pass

    Students with scholarships or in financial difficulty, the Southern Region gives you a helping hand to finance your complementary health insurance with the Pass Mutuelles.

    It is not compulsory for students to take out a complementary health insurance policy. While some students can still benefit from their family's health insurance, others choose not to pay the monthly cost of complementary health insurance, which often leads to a lack of care due to a lack of funds. It should be noted that the price of a complementary health insurance varies according to the profile of the insured, young or old, with existing pathologies, etc. Also, single students who receive emergency student aid can apply for complementary health aid. This aid allows them not to pay for doctor and dentist consultations, treatments, nursing care and hospitalisation costs.

    Situation of disability

    Aix-Marseille University's disability mission welcomes and supports students with physical, sensory or psychological disabilities, dyslexia or a long-term disabling health problem. It offers measures adapted to each student.

    To benefit from accommodations for your studies and/or exams, contact the Mission handicap of your campus as soon as possible.

    BVE - Mission handicap

    Héxagone Building

    Faculty of Science

    163 Avenue de Luminy

    13288 Marseille

    E-mail : @email

    Tel : 04 13 94 20 95

    Referents: Aïcha TAMMAS, Lydia DAMOISEAUX, Jean-Baptiste MARTINEZ

    Health insurance

    Social security affiliation is now free for students.

    Whether you are French or foreign, you will have to register for social security coverage: your steps in pictures.

    All the information on the Health Insurance website.

    Health insurance

    Social security affiliation is now free for students.

    Whether you are French or foreign, you will have to register for social security coverage: your steps in pictures.

    All the information on the Health Insurance website.

  • Scholarships, Grants, Jobs

    CROUS grants and scholarships

    Student Social File (DSE) and Scholarships

    In order to have access to the Crous social criteria grant, you must complete the Student Social File, each year, between January 15 and May 15:

    It is advisable to validate your file even if the simulation does not confirm your status as a grant holder because, if your situation changes during the year, this will allow you to reactivate your application.

    European students must also complete this file.

    Non-EU students: consult the different aid schemes!

    CROUS social workers

    CROUS social workers are there to listen to you and help you get through difficult times. They can offer you one-time financial assistance, help in putting together applications, advice on how to organize your studies or specific advice on personal issues. They can direct you to specialized services.

    The social worker in charge of the La Ciotat site is Mrs Gros.

    Financial aid from AMU

    The Fonds de Solidarité et de Développement des Initiatives Etudiantes (FSDIE) of the University of Aix-Marseille, in its social section, can help students with a project related to their studies and experiencing financial difficulties. Students can apply for one-time assistance after an interview with the social service of the Aix-Marseille Avignon CROUS, provided they have been registered for at least one semester at AMU.

    National and regional aid

    In addition, support mechanisms are also available at the regional and national levels.

    Student jobs

    Work and study? The hourly volume of teaching in DUT is heavy but there are opportunities for jobs within the University or outside:

    The Youth Information Office of La Ciotat

    All young people can find answers to their information requests at the Youth Information Office, both in terms of professional and academic orientation and daily life. Professionals are there to advise them and help them to specify their needs and projects.

    A documentation area in all fields: education, training, employment, practical life, health, leisure, Europe, sports, culture... A pole dedicated to European and international mobility:

    There is also a summer jobs scheme.

    Tel : 0442838557

    Mail : @email

  • Cultural life, Leisure

    Cultural life

    Aix-Marseille University places culture at the heart of university life, and deploys numerous measures and actions:

    Participation in some of these activities entitles students to a semester bonus according to certain criteria. At the IUT, the examination regulations provide for the possibility of a bonus limited to 0.5 points per semester for DUT and Licence professionnelle students.

    High level artists

    If you are a "high-level artist" and you wish to study at Aix-Marseille University, you can benefit from a Special Study Plan (RSE) that allows you to make accommodations "by right".

    Cultural leisure activities


    PACTE'AMU : For a cultural access to all AMU students !

    Discounts for theater, concerts, dance, cinema, exhibitions... Get your AMU card!

  • Sports activities


    The University Physical and Sports Activities Service offers more than 80 free individual or group sports activities for students.

    Consult the sports activities offered (online registration).

    The sports activities practiced within the framework of the Pack Sport Amu can give rise to a semester bonus (within the limit of 0.5 pt) according to certain conditions and criteria of appreciation(see notation).

    The sports referent for the Arles site isFabrice MICHELIS.

    Competitive sports

    The AS AMU and the Ligue Sud Sport U organize competitions for students wishing to defend the colors of their component and/or their university in university competitions. If you wish to practice a sport in competition, you must obtain a license from the AS AMU.

    Competitive sports

    The AS AMU and the Ligue Sud Sport U organize competitions for students wishing to defend the colors of their component and/or their university in university competitions. If you wish to practice a sport in competition, you must obtain a license from the AS AMU.

    High level athletes

    If you practice a high level sport, Aix-Marseille University allows you to reconcile your sport career with your higher education studies. Pedagogical arrangements can be envisaged according to the courses

    Contact: Romain FERRER, @email - Manager of the SHN-AMU unit.

    Sport with the city of La Ciotat

    IUT Sports Days

    Every year in September, the IUT organizes a sports integration day for first-year students. This event allows everyone, staff and students, to experience a moment of playful sharing, well anchored in the IUT spirit.

    Specific activities :

    A ski week is organized in January by the student association of the Arles site (AE2I). This week takes place between the first and second semester around mid-January.

  • Student associations

    Associative Life

    The BDE - Student Office

    Each department of the IUT has its own student association.

    For the site of Arles :

    AE2i student association for the Computer Science department and the Multimedia and Internet department.

    President: Marius Deleuil.

    This association is very involved. It is at the initiative of the integration week end, parties, and the ski week.

    AMU Student Life Office

    The Office of Student Life (BVE) is present on all AMU campuses and is the privileged relay to help you in your steps and your associative activities.

    Creating and running an association

    In accordance with theCharter of Associations, a lump sum of 350 euros may be granted for the creation or annual operation of student associations.

    Project funding: the FSDIE project

    The Fonds de Solidarité et de Développement des Initiatives Étudiantes (FSDIE) finances student projects on and off campus.


    E-mail: @email

    Tel : 04 13 94 52 00

    Faculty of Science

    52 Avenue Escadrille Normandie Niemen

    13013 Marseille


    The Student and Campus Life Contribution is used to improve your living conditions on campus. In 2019/2020 several IUT projects have been funded.

    Calls for projects: if you have a project, communicate it to your BDE, it will take care of transmitting it to the CVEC commission on your campus.

    AMU's Cultural Service helps to promote and carry out artistic and cultural projects carried out by the university, particularly in the direction of student life.

  • Library

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