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Sporting hike at the Trou de Saint-Martin

Within the framework of the sports activities proposed within Aix-Marseille university for the IUT site of Digne-les-Bains, a hike on the site of the Barre des Dourbes was organized on Saturday, March 13, with a distance of 10 kms and a positive difference in altitude of 600 meters. 20 students of Biological Engineering in 1st and 2nd years in Agronomy and Environmental Engineering option, and two teachers, Mr. Lantelme, organizer, and Mrs. Chalando, accompanist, shared this convivial and sportive moment.

The very mild weather conditions (bright sunshine and little wind) revealed a breathtaking view from the top of the 1640 meters of altitude reached at the lunch break. All along the way, the students were able to discover a wide variety of landscapes, with some places still covered with snow. This hike for all levels was accompanied by explanations given by Mrs. Chalando concerning the history of the site, the types of plants, the geology as well as the hole of Saint-Martin. Thus, they were able to discover the spring bulbocode, a flower of the Colchicaceae family strongly resembling the crocus. Moreover, they were able to learn the legend of the hole of Saint Martin, as well as an impressive natural phenomenon: the day of St Martin, November 11 as well as January 30 (Ste Martine), a ray of sunrise passes through this hole. This sporty hike brought to all of us a nice breath of oxygen granting a small welcome parenthesis in these rather difficult student times. This sporting day ended around 4 pm. Other hikes are to be planned, and everyone (students and teachers) is looking forward to them.

Article written by Enola Bouvenot, 1st year student, 2020/21 communication delegate

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