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Educational exchange with the University of Leeds

Mary Biondetti, Léaticia Beer and Romane Sarica have for tutored project (PTUT) to put in relation the University of Leeds with and the students of DUT GACO within the framework of an educational exchange concerning the course of Radical Design (Leeds) and the course of international trade (Digne). The students from Digne have the mission to realize the marketing strategy of the products imagined by the students from Leeds. They had the opportunity to exchange in English during the first video conference organized within the GACO department on Friday, February 9, 2018. This meeting allowed the students to obtain additional information in order to complete their work but also to practice English in a less academic and very enriching context. A second videoconference will take place during the month of March to finalize the project. This time, the students from Dignity will have to present the marketing strategy imagined for each of the products.

On the pictures we can see : Dan (the study director), Orla, Abdul as well as Julian (the students who imagined the products).

Article written by Romane SARICA, student in 2nd year DUT GACO

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