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  • 160 hoursof training
  • Cost of the training : contact the training manager
    • Work-study program under a professionalization contract
    • Continuing education : training leading to qualifications for employees in a professional evolution
  • Location: Marseille, Saint-Jérôme site
  • Work-study - Company partnerships
  • Alumni Network

This University Diploma, unique in the South-East of France, allows opticians with a BTS in opticianry to increase their skills in contactology and to develop their activity in visual health prevention. It ensures the complementarity of knowledge and skills between opticians, orthoptists and ophthalmologists. The DU corresponds to the three units of the activity "Adapting soft lenses" (Units 4 to 6) of the Professional Optics Degree in Visual Health.

  • How are the studies organized?

    The DU is organized in a skills-based approach. It is accessible through work-study programs (Contrat de professionnalisation), VAE and continuing education. The educational program is 160 hours long. For the alternating training, the rhythm is: 3 days in the company, 2 days at the IUT every 15 days.

  • What subjects are taught?

    The training is built around three teaching units, allowing the acquisition of skills for a professional Optician-Lens Maker of Health to ensure a fitting in Soft Lenses:

    UE1 - Sciences for Contactology :

    Anatomy, Ocular Physiology of the Anterior Segment - Microbiology - Contact Lens Technology - Care Products

    UE2 - Contactology :

    Instrumentation - Fitting Rules and Methodology - Wearer Controls and Follow-up

    UE3 - Advanced Contactology :

    Fitting Rules and Methodology for Rigid Lenses and Presbyopes

  • For what skills?

    At the end of this DU, the graduates will be competent to :

    • adapt soft lenses and educate on their use
    • manage the relationship with the client as a health actor by identifying and accompanying an ophthalmic emergency, by referring to the ophthalmologist and by interacting with other health professionals
    • act as a health professional

The DU "Contactology" is a diploma of direct professional insertion. However, as the DU "Contactology" allows the validation of units 3 to 6 of the Professional License "Professional Optics" course "Visual Health", it is possible to obtain this License by completing the DU "Contactology" with the DU "Complex Refraction" and the missing units of the License corresponding to the activities "to make health prevention" and "to apply the regulation and to communicate", as well as to the "Tutored Project" and "Internship".

This diploma allows access to the following professions

  • optician-monitor
  • health professional
  • manager
  • team leader in sales and measurement
  • contactology manager in an optical store.

Profile of the candidates

  • IUT graduates in continuing education (employees - job seekers) or in work-study programs (contract or professionalization period).
  • Holders of a BTS in Optician-Lens Maker.

Proof of previous training consisting of at least two years of higher education (after the Baccalaureate) attested by: a BTS in Optician Lensmaking, a DU in physiological optics and optometry (2 years), an equivalent diploma in a related discipline or an equivalent level recognized by the Commission for the Validation of Experience.

Recruitment is based on the student's academic record and results obtained during the two years of preparation for the BTS OL. It is completed by an interview to evaluate the candidate's motivation and validate his or her professional project.

Finally, the host company offered must also meet the necessary prerequisites for a good training.

How to apply?

Applications are selected on the basis of a file and an individual interview with holders of a BTS in optics, a DU in physiological optics and optometry, or an equivalent diploma in a related discipline recognized by the Commission de Validation des Acquis.

You can apply at the end of February on the e-candidat portal.


Address : 142 traverse Charles Susini - 13013 Marseille


Contact à ajouter
Director of Training

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