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Professional degree in computer networks and telecommunications #Wireless and broadband network (LP RSFHD)

  • Selective training : 1 year at L3 level - 60 ECTS
  • Cost of the training :
    • Alternating apprenticeship contract: exemption for the student
    • Alternating work-study contract: exemption for the student
    • Continuing education: contact the training manager
  • Location: Marseille, Saint-Jérôme site
  • Professionalization: Work-study program - Company partnerships
  • Graduates' network
  • Number of students: 14

This Professional Degree offers senior technicians (M/F) a year of specialisation in the network and telecommunications sector in order to meet the requirements of industrial partners in the PACA region in rapidly expanding fields of activity such as: communications network architecture (design, implementation, administration and maintenance), high-speed networks, telephony/voice over IP (ToIP/VoIP), mobile telephony (GSM) and the emerging fibre optic technologies.

This year of training allows learners (M/F) to access Cisco Certifications (CCNA® Routing & Switching 1 à 4), Electrical Habilitation (BR - B1V) and TOEIC® Listening and Reading.

  • How are the studies organized?

    The professional Licence is organised by the Ministry of Education.

    The Professional Licence is organised in a competence-based approach. The teaching programme is 480 hours for the teaching and 150 hours for the tutor project. The alternation rhythm is quasi-monthly with 33 weeks in the company and 20 weeks in the training centre.

    The Bachelor's degree is registered in the French language.

    The Licence is registered in the national register of professional certifications.

    The training is certified quality AFAQ/AFNOR ISO 9001:2015 (Certificate n°1999/11655.15)

  • Professional applications

    The professional Licence is organised by the Ministry of Education.

    The Professional Licence is organised in a competence-based approach. The teaching programme is 480 hours for the teaching and 150 hours for the tutor project. The alternation rhythm is quasi-monthly with 33 weeks in the company and 20 weeks in the training centre.

    The Bachelor's degree is registered in the French language.

    The Licence is registered in the national register of professional certifications.

    The training is certified quality AFAQ/AFNOR ISO 9001:2015 (Certificate n°1999/11655.15)

  • Certifications
    • TOEIC
    • Séminary test in England «Business
      Communication for Professional
    • Cisco Certifications
  • Skills

    At the end of this professional degree, graduates (M/F) will be competent to deploy and maintain:

    Please note that this degree is only for those who have completed it.

    • local communications networks (LANs) meeting a set of specifications; participation in the design, implementation, administration and maintenance
    • mobile telephone network (GSM) radio telecommunications systems ® implementation, link assessment, infrastructure maintenance
    • High-Debit link infrastructures by adapting to the different technologies of the main operators (FTTx)
    • optimal and secure LAN infrastructures for video surveillance, voice over IP (PABX/IPBX) and wireless networks (WiFi)
  • Materials

  • Trades

  • Further studies

    The professional license is a degree for direct professional integration; in exceptional cases, further studies may be considered (contact the course director for more information).


The selection of the candidates is done on file and individual interview of holders of industrial or tertiary BAC+2: DUT GEII, RT, MP, Informatique ; BTS SN-IC/EC, SIO, TSMIR  L2 or equivalent level recognized by the Commission of Validation of Acquired Skills.

RDV from the end of February, on the portal e-Candidate


Address : 142 traverse Charles Susini - 13013 Marseille


Contact à ajouter
Pedagogical secretary
Contact à ajouter
Responsible for the training

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