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Expression and Communication: projects galore

As part of the Expression and Communication (EXCOM) module, first-year Biology Engineering students are required to carry out various projects in which the key word is interaction. Here are some examples:

  • Autis'cimes Trail is a trail organized in partnership with the association Cœur Lavande whose mission is to help people with disabilities to integrate into society,
  • Pan'IUT is creating an AMAP (Association pour le Maintien d'une Agriculture Paysanne) to allow students and staff of the IUT and ESPE to access products from local agriculture at fair prices,
  • Escape Game for the students of the establishment has been created,
  • Animations for the elderly: different events are organized to create a link between generations: film screenings, visit of a storyteller, bingo, Candlemas, ...
  • Waste management project: the students go to schools to carry out prevention with the help of slide shows and workshops on water pollution or other themes
  • Organization of an award ceremony after the election of the best EXCOM projects

Each project has its own small or big challenges: for example, the presence of a protected breed of bird on the route envisaged for the trail (the Autis'cimes Trail), the administrative complexity of the participation in winter of the producers of Pan IUT, the search for partners to obtain material for the Escape Game, the matching of the rhythm of the seniors with that of the students of the IUT for the animations for the seniors, the search for schools to carry out the project Waste Management, or the search for sponsors and a room for the reward of the best projects of EXCOM.

The students agree that they were able to acquire many skills. We can list among them: a better oral fluency, the management of a team work which requires organization, a greater independence especially at the administrative level, or creativity and the ability to take on oneself and question oneself when the efforts do not lead to the expected results!

Article written by Salomé Schneider, AGRO 2 communication delegate, 2019-2020

On the left: the project with the Seniors - On the right: the organizing group of the Autis'cimes Trail

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